interchangeable 3 Band Bass Guitar Preamp


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  •      Replacing JERZY DROZD pickups     

                     step by step guide                 


Every modern JERZY DROZD Creation sports a pair of interchangeable JERZY DROZD neodymium pickups. Since JeD--X- series JERZY DROZD neodymium pickups shape is the same for single-coil noiseless (JeD--XS series), double coil humbuckers (JeD--XD series) and quad coil pickups (JeD--XQ series), you can swap a single coil for a humbucker or a quad coil or make any combination of them with no hassle. The JeD--X- series of JERZY DROZD neodymium pickups are available on OBSESSION and ORACLE Collections. This guide will explain how to replace a JERZY DROZD neodymium pickup with another one.



Place your JERZY DROZD creation on a flat table with the front of the instrument up and with the neck located to the left.


Removing the strings

To remove the strings, turn each machine head ear about 4 to 5 full turns until the end ball of the string is loose enough to release it from the tailpiece. First, move the ball to the right and then pull up.


Removing the electronic backplate

Now place the instrument with the back of the body up and remove the electronic backplate..


Locating the pickup screws

Three screws hold each pickup in place. Now, with the backplate removed, you have access to all three crews for the bridge pickup. Please note that if you want to change only the neck pickup, removing the backplate is unnecessary.


Removing the bridge pickup screws

Remove all three bridge pickup screws using a TORX T10 screwdriver.


Disconnecting the bridge pickup

Now the pickup is loose, carefully turn the instrument up while you hold the unscrewed bridge pickup in its place with your left hand. Once in the front position, disconnect the 4-pin connector carefully.


Pickup connection detail

Pay close attention to the way the pickup is connected. The black or white wire close to the green wire is a ground that needs to be connected to the pickup's ground. Also, note that when correctly connected, the 4 pin wire connector will show all four metallic pins.


Placing the new JERZY DROZD pickup

Connect the new replacement pickup the same way and place the pickup inside the cavity. Now, holding the pickup with the left hand, turn the instrument and place it on its edge, so you have access to the backside.



Screwing the JERZY DROZD bridge pickup

With the body placed on its edge, use the same TORX T10 screwdriver to screw the new pickup.


Preeliminary pickup heigh adjustment

Check the bridge pickup setup to see if its position is similar to the neck pickup position and adjust accordingly if necessary.


Correct the strings ball end position

Please note that to install the strings back, the end ball should be placed flat. With the ball placed in another position, it will not fit onto the tailpiece. The tailpiece was specially designed that way to ensure uniform tension across all strings.


Installing the strings

Now, install all the strings one by one with the ball end flat into each hole of the tailpiece.


Installing the strings (B)


Make sure the ball slips into the grove and hook, holding its flat position.


Final pickup heigh adjustment

Once you have tuned your instrument, place it flat on the table again. With the index finger of the left hand press the external strings on the last fret (normally fret 24th).

In the case of 5 string instrument it would be G and Low B string.

The clearance between the string and the pickup surface should be between 2mm and 6mm (1/8"-1/4") for each of them. This clearance may wary depending on your personal playing style. At JERZY DROZD it is set up to 3mm (1/8").


Placing back

the electronic backplate

As the final step, place back the electronic cavity plate in its place. The plate will snap itself to the correct position.

OBSESSION Collection

Sólo el genio, en el acto de la producción artística y en cuanto se identifica con este artista primordial del mundo, sabe algo de la eterna esencia del arte, pues entonces, como por milagro, se ha hecho semejante a la turbadora figura de la leyenda, que tenía la facultad de volver sus ojos hacia sí misma para contemplarse; ahora es a la vez sujeto y objeto, poeta, actor y espectador.

Friedrich Nietzsche, El origen de la tragedia

Perpetuum vestigium. Testimonio de la fuerza del instinto artístico del maestro Jerzy Drozd, la colección Obsession aparece como elemento originario de la firma JERZY DROZD, pero ante todo como vestigio perpetuo del sentimiento ingenuo de todo verdadero artista que busca una imagen paralela del ensueño y la manifiesta en el mundo en una metáfora.


En un supremo esfuerzo por transfigurar las formas rígidas del bajo eléctrico en fluidas líneas orgánicas, el maestro Jerzy Drozd se identifica completamente con la Naturaleza y diseña así sus primeros instrumentos como un todo continuo, sin aristas, sin cortes. Pues la Naturaleza, como la música, engendra esplendor de su propia sustancia, y renace sin cesar; no otra cosa nos quiere decir la forma de los cuerpos en que se presenta la colección Obsession.

Aquí debemos advertir que esta armonía, tan apasionadamente admirada por los amantes del bajo electríco, no es en manera alguna un fenómeno tan sencillo. Frente a la tradicional configuración de 24 trastes, el maestro Jerzy Drozd concibe su primer Obsession en versión 28 trastes, y por esto es con lo que con JERZY DROZD comienza para el bajo eléctrico una nueva era.

La colección Obsession es, por tanto, lo primero y universal, y por esto mismo puede también sufrir objetivaciones diversas en modelos diferentes. Con una fecundidad incansable, la colección Obsession hace saltar en torno suyo, como una lluvia de estrellas, siete modelos con características técnicas y estéticas propias.


Like every JERZY DROZD creation, OBSESSION Collection instruments are conceived to be bespoke; each detail, even the most subtle, can be personalised to embody the perfect companion for the visionary seeking new horizons and a virgin soil where life can be an art, again.